Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Statement of NewGate's FOM Fundraising Committee Chair

Good morning,
Thank you for participating in the Friends of Montessori (FOM) savings and fund raising program. Our first day Kick Off was a great Success thanks to you!

Can you believe that we distributed over #200 cards the first day? Simply put if all #200 are sold for the retail price of $25 we would have raised 200 x $20 (80% of price that comes back to us) = $4,000 wow!! And all that can be reinvested into our school.

Let's get started, here are some selling points:
With the FOM card one has discounts and or deal savings at close to 100 retailers, restaurants and local service providers. And the list keeps growing, if your favorite store is not on the list, tell them to go to www.FriendsofMontessori.com, click on "List Business" and be sure to note "NewGate" as the school, advertising is FREE.
Easy access, you can go to www.FriendsofMontessori.com and view all businesses, click on "Sarasota", then "Deals/Discounts", you may PRINT the discounts see on the right hand side of business list.
If you have a Smart phone simply scan the back of the card or enter the number as directed on the back of the card.
We have a low annual subscription fee of $25, lower than any entertainment book. All our deals can be enjoyed over and over again, not like one coupon.
Cards are good for one year, but as an added bonus all who purchase now are getting an additional 6 months...you can't bet that!

Payment and Processing:
All checks should be made payable to "NewGate School" you may indicate FOM on the memo line, and remitted to the office.
If you receive cash, please make it exact so that Carmen at the office does not have to make change, and request a FOM receipt.
Credit card purchases may be made online at www.FriendsofMontessori.com or at the office.

Let's get those cards sold within the next couple of weeks, we have a fun and friendly competition going between the classes, stay tuned...more to come!

Best regards,
Thetu Kishoiyian
FOM Committee Chair

1 comment:

UI UX Studio Delhi said...

Hey keep posting such sensible and significant articles.

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